Commit 0122466b by Anne Rogers


parent 226c625d
......@@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ import json
import ast
from util import create_json_file, recover_json
# shapefile_path = "test_files/s_11au16.shp"
shapefile_path = "Census_tract/Tract_2010Census_DP1.shp"
def get_shapeRecs(shapefile_path):
......@@ -12,32 +10,6 @@ def get_shapeRecs(shapefile_path):
shapeRecs = sf.shapeRecords()
return shapeRecs
# def get_coordinates_connects(shapeRecs):
# sf_connect = set()
# sf_dict = {}
# sf_state = {}
# # add state loop in
# # set_states
# for num in range(74002):
# # rec = int(shapeRecs[num].record[2])
# # print(shapeRecs[num].record)
# rec = shapeRecs[num].record[0]
# points = shapeRecs[num].shape.points
# # if rec in sf_state:
# #
# for point in points:
# if point in sf_dict:
# list_num = sf_dict[point]
# for past_num in list_num:
# if not past_num in sf_dict and not (past_num == rec):
# # if not past_num in sf_dict and (past_num-rec):
# sf_connect.add((rec,past_num))
# sf_connect.add((past_num,rec))
# sf_dict[point] += [rec]
# elif point not in sf_dict:
# sf_dict[point] = [rec]
# return sf_connect
def get_states_connects(shapeRecs, state_set):
sf_connects = set()
dict_points = {}
......@@ -73,12 +45,6 @@ def get_connects_traits(sf_connect):
return dict_traits
# def get_connects(shapeRecs):
# dict_connect = get_coordinates_connects(shapeRecs)
# dict_tracts = get_connects_traits(dict_tracts)
# return dict_tracts
def get_full_connects_state(shapeRecs, state_set):
dict_connect = get_states_connects(shapeRecs, state_set)
dict_tracts = get_connects_traits(dict_connect)
......@@ -154,9 +120,11 @@ def race_RD(record):
return percent_RD
def gender_RD(record):
total_population = record[6]
weight_R = 0
weight_D = 0
......@@ -168,18 +136,22 @@ def gender_RD(record):
weight_D += pop_female * -0.12
total_population_above_16 = pop_female + pop_male
if not total_population_above_16:
return 0.0
population_change = 1 - (total_population_above_16/total_population) + 1
weight_D = weight_D * population_change
weight_R = weight_R * population_change
add_weights = weight_R + weight_D
if not add_weights:
return 0.0
percent_RD =((add_weights)/(abs(weight_D)+weight_R))
return percent_RD
percent_RD =( (add_weights)/(abs(weight_D)+weight_R))
return percent_RD
def get_populations_RD(shapeRecs, connect_tracts, state_set):
......@@ -223,22 +195,6 @@ def get_populations_RD(shapeRecs, connect_tracts, state_set):
# Needs fixing:
# Set instead of dictionary
# Sizes
# def create_tract(shapeRecs):
# connect_tracts = get_connects(shapeRecs)
# print("done with get connects")
# dict_tracts = get_populations_RD(shapeRecs,connect_tracts)
# print("done with get tracts")
# create_json_file(dict_tracts, "tracts" + "_run_1")
# print("json created")
# return dict_tracts
def create_state_tracts(shapeRecs):
state_tracts = {}
state_dict_of_sets = recover_json("state_set_json_files/" + "Master_tract_sets.json")
......@@ -276,4 +232,5 @@ def state_tracts_hard_coded(Master_tract_dicts):
single_state_dict = Master_tract_dicts[state]
create_json_file(single_state_dict, "state_tracts_full_json_files/" + state + "tract_dict")
return Master_tract_dicts
\ No newline at end of file
return Master_tract_dicts
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -63,8 +63,7 @@ def hard_code(output=False):
"11001009700": "District of Columbia",
"15009990200": "Hawaii",
"23005990000": "Maine",
"26001990000": "Michigan",
"26009990000": "Michigan",
"26157990000": "Michigan",
"28047990000": "Mississippi",
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