Commit 316f95a7 by Anne Rogers


parent 42ad2177
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algorithms directory: contains all the functions for constructing district plans by utilizing
the efficiency gap
__name__=="__main__" Function works if no specialization is needed
if specialization is needed
RUN [1] completed_result(state, initial_percent_of_people=60, goal=5,
special_name='', better=False) (must be run using Python2) creates a basemap of the United States and maps color-
coded tracts (the color corresponding to their district) onto the basemap using Networkx
Colors.csv contains numbers and colors for
reading_shapes directory:
reading_shapes directory: contains functions to convert shapefiles of census tracts, determine which tracts
are connected to each other, and analyze demographic data to estimate the number of Republicans and Democrats in each district
RUN: [1] get_shapeRecs(shapefile_path), [2] create_state_tracts(shapeRecs) uses the GPS coordinates of census tracts to determine which state they are in
and sorts them accordingly, using the LocationIQ API
RUN: [1] get_shapeRecs(shapefile_path), [2] create_state_tracts(shapeRecs)
state_set_json_files contains the partially completed tracts as dictionaries created by
state_tracts_full_json_files contains the completed tract dictionaries created by
state_num.csv contains the state and number of districts
states.json - example of tract dict - contains helper functions for reading and writing CSVs, JSON, and pickle files
tracts1.json JSON file for helping fun
......@@ -8,6 +8,11 @@ shapefile_path = "Census_tract/Tract_2010Census_DP1.shp"
def get_shapeRecs(shapefile_path):
Convert shapefiles into Python objects
shapefile_path: a string
Returns: a shapefile object
sf = shapefile.Reader(shapefile_path)
shapeRecs = sf.shapeRecords()
......@@ -16,6 +21,12 @@ def get_shapeRecs(shapefile_path):
def get_states_connects(shapeRecs, state_set):
Find all tract connections in a given state
shapeRecs: a shapefile object
state_tracts: a set
Returns: a dictionary
sf_connects = set()
dict_points = {}
......@@ -39,6 +50,11 @@ def get_states_connects(shapeRecs, state_set):
def get_connects_tracts(sf_connect):
Determine if two tracts are connected
sf_connect: a dictionary
Returns: a dictionary
count = 0
dict_tracts = {}
......@@ -55,6 +71,13 @@ def get_connects_tracts(sf_connect):
def get_full_connects_state(shapeRecs, state_set):
Find all tract connections within a given state
shapeRecs: a shapefile object
state_tracts: a set
Returns: a dictionary
dict_connect = get_states_connects(shapeRecs, state_set)
dict_tracts = get_connects_traits(dict_connect)
......@@ -66,6 +89,11 @@ def age_DR(record):
Use age information in a tract to weight the number of Republicans and Democrats
NOTE: We determined how to weight the predictive power of demographics using CNN's
2012 exit poll data, found here:
record: a list
Return: a float
total_population = record[6]
weight_R = 0
......@@ -109,6 +137,11 @@ def race_RD(record):
Use race information in a tract to weight the number of Republicans and Democrats
NOTE: We determined how to weight the predictive power of demographics using CNN's
2012 exit poll data, found here:
record: a list
Return: a float
total_population = record[6]
weight_R = 0
......@@ -145,6 +178,11 @@ def gender_RD(record):
Use age information in a tract to weight the number of Republicans and Democrats
NOTE: We determined how to weight the predictive power of demographics using CNN's
2012 exit poll data, found here:
record: a list
Return: a float
total_population = record[6]
......@@ -182,6 +220,13 @@ def get_populations_RD(shapeRecs, connect_tracts, state_set):
Apply weighting for age, race, and gender to estimate the number of Republicans and Democrats
in a tract and return the tract information as a dictionary
shapeRecs: a shapefile object
connect_tracts: a dictionary
state_tracts: a set
Returns: a dictionary
tracts_dict = {}
num_tracts_in_state = len(state_set)
......@@ -228,6 +273,11 @@ def create_state_tracts(shapeRecs):
Recover the json files created in that have sorted tracts by state
Create json files containing all tracts represented as dictionaries with their necessary
data and grouped by state, storing them in state_tracts_full_json_files
shapeRecs: a shapefile object
Returns: a dictionary
state_tracts = {}
state_dict_of_sets = recover_json("state_set_json_files/" + "Master_tract_sets.json")
......@@ -245,6 +295,11 @@ def state_tracts_hard_coded(Master_tract_dicts):
Hard code connections for islands in certain states to ensure that there
are not unconnected tracts
Master_tract_dicts: a dictionary
Returns: a dictionary
hc_islands = { "California": {"06075980401": "06041132200",
"06037599100": "06037990300" },
......@@ -9,6 +9,11 @@ def tracts_state(API_KEY):
Use the GPS coordinates of tracts to determine which state they are in
To translate GPS coordinates into states, we used the LocationIQ API, found here:
API_KEY: a string
Return: a list, a dictionray
dict_tracts = recover_json("tracts1.json")
dict_states = recover_json("statesrun_5.json")
......@@ -49,6 +54,11 @@ def tracts_state(API_KEY):
def check_balance(API_KEY):
Check how many more times we could use the LocationIQ API in a day
API_KEY: a string
Return: a interger
request_URL = "" + API_KEY
balance_request = requests.get(request_URL)
......@@ -60,7 +70,12 @@ def check_balance(API_KEY):
def hard_code(output=False):
Hard code island tracts that were not properly attributed to their respective states
Hard code tracts that were not properly attributed to their respective states
output: a boolean
Returns: a dictionary
dict_states = recover_json("statesrun_6.json")
hc_dict = {
......@@ -87,6 +102,8 @@ def create_state_sets(output=False):
Create a json file with dictionaries for each tract as a Master file
Create additional json files sorted by state
Store files in state_set_json_files
Inputs: a boolean
dict_states_w_tracts = {}
dict_states = recover_json("states_hc.json")
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
\ No newline at end of file
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
......@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@ import pickle
def create_json_file(dictionary, path_file_name):
dictionary: a dictionary
path_file_name: a string
if type(dictionary) != str:
tract_str = str(dictionary)
if type(dictionary) == str:
......@@ -13,6 +17,9 @@ def create_json_file(dictionary, path_file_name):
json.dump(tract_str, json_file)
def recover_json(json_file):
json_file: a JSON file
with open(json_file) as json_tracts:
str_tracts = json.load(json_tracts)
dict_tracts = ast.literal_eval(str_tracts)
......@@ -20,10 +27,17 @@ def recover_json(json_file):
def create_pickle_file(dictionary, path_file_name):
dictionary: a dictionary
path_file_name: a string
with open(path_file_name + ".pickle", "wb") as pickle_file:
pickle.dump(dictionary, pickle_file)
def recover_pickle(pickle_file):
pickle_file: a pickle file
with open(pickle_file, "rb") as pf:
return dict_tracts
......@@ -31,6 +45,9 @@ def recover_pickle(pickle_file):
def recover_json_special(json_file):
json_file: a JSON file
with open(json_file) as json_tracts:
dict_tracts = json.load(json_tracts)
return dict_tracts
......@@ -38,6 +55,10 @@ def recover_json_special(json_file):
def read_csv(path, file_name):
path: a string
file_name: a string
with open(path + file_name) as csvfile:
num_districts_states = {}
reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
......@@ -46,6 +67,10 @@ def read_csv(path, file_name):
return num_districts_states
def color_csv(path, file_name):
path: a string
file_name: a string
with open(path + file_name) as csvfile:
colors_dict = {}
reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
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