Commit 1f1d026d by Dave Foote


parent 962f8196
Showing with 21 additions and 4 deletions
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ Dave Foote
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib as plt
from sodapy import Socrata
from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon, MultiPolygon
#data download helpers
def get_full_dataset(data_set_id):
......@@ -33,7 +34,23 @@ def make_new_downloads(data_set_id, client, limit, offset):
def create_df(list_of_dicts):
#takes the full list of crime records and makes a df out of them
return pd.DataFrame(list_of_dicts)
def get_coordinates(df):
inputs: df with string lat/long columns
creates an associated GeoPandas series of points
longs = [float(x) for x in df.longitude]
lats = [float(x) for x in df.latitude]
return geopandas.GeoSeries([Point(x) for x in list(zip(longs, lats))])
def get_tracts(df_info, df_tract):
inputs: a dataframe with records you'd like to assign tracts to and a dataframe
with boundaries of census tracts (df_tract)
#get the data
id_17 = 'd62x-nvdr'
id_18 = '3i3m-jwuy'
......@@ -64,8 +81,8 @@ print('Change in Arrest Per Stop Rate from 17-18:\n', (aps_18 - aps_17))
#pull in census tract data from chicago data portal:
id_tract = '74p9-q2aq'
df_tract_info = create_df(get_full_datset(id_tract))
#update 17 and 18 dfs with tracts
df_17.tract = df_17.location.apply()
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