Commit 4ce3f49b by Dave Foote

can i push from here?

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Programming Assignment #1: Diagnostic
Dave Foote
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib as plt
from sodapy import Socrata
#data download helpers
def get_full_dataset(data_set_id):
#goes to Chicago Open Data Portal and downloads full crime dataset for a
#given year
domain = ''
client = Socrata(domain, None)
offset = 0
limit = 50000
new_downloads = make_new_downloads(data_set_id, client, limit, offset)
rv = []
while len(new_downloads) > 0:
offset += limit
new_downloads = make_new_downloads(data_set_id, client, limit, offset)
return rv
def make_new_downloads(data_set_id, client, limit, offset):
#downloads the next 50,000 rows
return client.get(data_set_id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
def create_df(list_of_dicts):
#takes the full list of crime records and makes a df out of them
return pd.DataFrame(list_of_dicts)
#get the data
id_17 = 'd62x-nvdr'
id_18 = '3i3m-jwuy'
df_17 = create_df(get_full_dataset(id_17))
df_18 = create_df(get_full_dataset(id_18))
#summary statistics:
print('5 Most Common Chicago Crimes in 2017: ',
print('5 Most Common Chicago Crimes in 2018: ',
print('5 Wards with Highest Volume of Crime in 2017: ',
print('5 Wards with Highest Volume of Crime in 2018: ',
arrest_rates_17 = df_17.arrest.value_counts()
arrest_rates_18 = df_18.arrest.value_counts()
print('Arrests Per Stop in 2017: ', (arrest_rates_17[1] / arrest_rates_17[0]))
print('Arrests Per Stop in 2018: ', (arrest_rates_18[1] / arrest_rates_18[0]))
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