Commit 53e8b9f8 by Jeff Cohen

Assign hw4

parent 33391d2a
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# Homework #4
20 points
**DUE: Thursday, Feb 27 by 5:30pm**
This assignment is intended to provide more practice at JavaScript (ES6)
programming. Some research might be required.
Did you know that NASA keeps an eye on asteroids hurtling their way toward our planet?
Some of them are tiny, but some of them are huge!
Some of them will miss the Earth by a wide margin, but some get very close!
Build a website that provides information on the asteroids coming in the next 7 days.
In other words, your site should retrieve 7 days' worth of data from NASA every time the page is
The design of this website is completely up to you, but the more useful and
creative it is, the more points you can achieve.
You should:
* Use the included `index.html` file for your website.
* You can add as many other JS and CSS files as you like.
* Get your own API key. It can take a few days for NASA to respond to your request,
so you can use my key in the meantime: `ThEWyjBBPDnDKV2CVSqO4gRU3qjBlpkMJo06rwo8`.
However, you must have your own API key by the time you turn in this assignment.
* Use the "Asteroids - NeoWs" API to retrieve the most current data.
* Use the "APOD (Astronomy Picture of the Day)" to help make for a more interesting design.
* Some asteroids are potentially more likely to end the world than others. You will
need to study the data in order to decide how to design a page that higlights the most
important data.
* If you're not sure where to start, try using the "potentially hazardous",
"maximum estimated diameter", and "miss distance" fields to help sort the data.
**Grading Rubric**
* 5 points for using your own API key
* 5 points for succesfully using the "Asteroids - NeoWs" API to retrieve data
* 5 points for displaying the data in a way that emphasizes the most important information (the
most dangerous asteroids)
* 2 points for succesfully using the "APOD" API to aid your design
* 3 points for overall design and creativity
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