Commit b16ab836 by Jeff Cohen

Assign hw2

parent 061d7535
# Homework #2
15 points
**DUE: Thursday, January 30 by 5:30pm**
For easiest viewing of these instructions, view online or use a Markdown previewer.
### Instructions
This assignment will help you get practice with page layout and
mobile design. Some HTML and CSS research will be required.
**1. Large Layout**.
Take a look at the "above the fold" screenshot I took of the [Etsy home page](etsy-target.png).
* Think about how you would begin to build this page yourself.
* Can you organize the design into a series of rows?
* Within each row, can you identify the columns?
* Refer to the [etsy-specifications](etsy-specifications.png) to make
sure you do not try to implement the text-on-image technique.
* Modify [the starter page](etsy.html) so that it looks as like [the target](etsy-target.png).
* You can add as many other files as needed (for example, you should add a CSS file instead
of using a `<style>` element in the HTML itself).
* You are encouraged to learn additional CSS techniques not covered in class
but you may NOT use a full CSS framework such as Boostrap or Foundation.
* It will NOT be possible to build an exact replica. You can use
the "system font" instead. Use this tutorial:
* You are encouraged to study and/or steal from the live to determine margins,
colors, the orange checkmarks, and anything else that you would find helpful
(assuming their home page hasn't changed drastically by the time
you work on this assignment).
* Because the live site may have changed by the time you work on this
assignment, I saved two images called etsy2.jpg and etsy3.jpg
for you to use.
**2. Mobile Layout**
Next, the page should respond appropriately to mobile devices: [etsy_mobile.png](etsy-mobile-target.png)
The target is a screenshot of the iPhone X simulator inside the Chrome Inspector, but
it should be about the same for any mobile phone.
**Grading Rubric**
* 7 points: Large layout closely resembles the target
* 4 points: Mobile layout closely resembles the target
* 2 points: Reasonable choice of typography (use the "system font" trick mentioned above
or pick your own fonts) & reasonable match of font weights/color schemes
* 2 points: Fine details: rounded corners as needed, icons in toolbar,
nice search form with seamless "Search" button,
orange custom checkmarks, search placeholder text ("Search for items or shops")
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<p>Your Etsy clone goes here.</p>
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