Commit c9a36f50 by Dan Grace

Upload New File

parent 16c71de1
Showing with 28 additions and 0 deletions
This project consists of 3 files:
The file list can be executed similarly to previous projects. Simply launch the HTML
page as we would from previous projects to view and use the webpage.
Notes about functions:
To buy (add) shares, simply enter a ticker and an amount you would
like to buy, then click the Add Shares button. This will add your shares to the table and
will increase your total portfolio value. Likewise, to sell (subtract), enter a
ticker and an amount you would like to sell. This will subtract shares from the table and
will decrease your total portfolio value.
Total portfolio value is displayed near the top of the webpage. One word of caution; to dedicate time wisely, I did not create a function to display portfolio return.
In other words, the portfolio value represents current holdings.
To sort your portfolio, simply click on the column header. Doing this, you can sort the table in ascending or descending order.
To persist the portfolio data, simply hit the save data button. This will put all portfolio data
into local storage. After this, you can leave the webpage hit the clear table button.
When returning to the website, simply hit retrieve data and the table will repopulate with
the most recently saved portfolio table data.
Mobile layout on typical mobile phone resolutions: should function on a mobile
view of iPhone 6/7/8.
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