Commit 146aa5b2 by Mark Cohen

paper: progress

parent f1cec376
Showing with 107 additions and 14 deletions
author = "Manuel M. T. Chakravarty and Gabriele Keller and Simon Peyton Jones",
title = "Associated Type Synonyms",
journal = "ICFP",
year = "2005"
author = "Philip Wadler and Stephen Blott",
title = "How to make ad-hoc polymorphism less ad hoc",
journal = "PoPL",
year = "1989"
author = "Natanael Sch{\"a}rli and Oscar Nierstrasz and St{\'e}phane Ducasse and Roel Wuyts and Andrew Black",
title = "Traits: The Formal Model",
year = "2003"
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\title{Iterative Programming in ML with Type Classes and Associated Types}
Mark Cohen\\
......@@ -60,10 +62,6 @@ type classes and associated types. This paper presents the motivation, design, i
formalism behind this language. Advised by Adam Shaw.
% gobble page number for title
......@@ -117,23 +115,99 @@ res.collect::<HashMap<K, V>>()
To enable iteration, we propose a structure built around complementary pairs of type classes and two
keyword constructs. First, to mark a type as iterable, the programmer creates an instance of the
\tt{Iterable} typeclass, defined as follows:
To enable iteration, we propose a structure built around complementary pairs of type classes and
three keyword constructs.
\begin{center} \begin{lstlisting}[mathescape=true]
\begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c|} \hline \begin{lstlisting}[mathescape=true]
class Iterable $\alpha$ where
type item
val next: $\alpha$ $\arrow$ item $\arrow$ (item * $\alpha$) option
val next: $\alpha$ $\arrow$ (item * $\alpha$) option
class Collectible $\alpha$ where
type item
val default: $\alpha$
val insert: $\alpha$ $\arrow$ item $\arrow$ $\alpha$
\end{lstlisting} \end{center}
for <var> in <collection> $\arrow$ <ty>
collect <expr>
\end{lstlisting} \\\hline \end{tabular} \end{center}
\subsection{The \tt{Iterable} typeclass}
The \tt{Iterable} typeclass, unsurprisingly, marks a type as iterable. The class contains an
associated type called \tt{item}, which corresponds to the element type of the collection. For an
$\alpha$ \tt{list}, \tt{item} is $\alpha$. For a \tt{string}, \tt{item} is \tt{char}.
The \tt{next} method takes a collection, and tries to produce a pair of the collection's next
element with the rest of the collection. If the collection is empty, it returns \tt{None}. This
method encodes both loop variable bindings and loop bounds: at each iteration, the loop variable is
bound to the first half of the pair returned by \tt{next}. When \tt{next} returns \tt{None}, we
conclude execution.
\subsection{The \tt{Collectible} typeclass}
The \tt{Collectible} typeclass is something a little different: it marks a type as able to be built
up piece-by-piece. Like \tt{Iterable}, the class contains an associated type \tt{item}, which
functions exactly the same as in \tt{Iterable}.
\tt{default} is something unusual: a non-function class member. Its sole purpose is to hold a value
that represents an "empty" collection: for an $\alpha$ \tt{list}, \tt{default} is \tt{[]}. For a
\tt{string}, \tt{default} is \verb|""|. The purpose of \tt{default} is to allow the programmer to
build up a result over individual iterations without having to carry an accumulator around in a
larger scope.
The \tt{insert} method takes a collection and an item and returns a new collection containing both
the elements of the collection argument and the item argument.
\subsection{The \tt{for} keyword construct}
The \tt{for} keyword takes an identifier \tt{<var>}, which represents the loop variable. \tt{<var>}
will be bound to each element of \tt{<collection>} in succession before each evaluation of
\tt{<expr>}. After performing inference the body of \tt{<expr>}, \tt{<var>} must have a type that
unifies with \tt{<collection>}'s \tt{item} type.
The notation $\arrow \tt{<ty>}$ signifies that the programmer wishes to \emph{build} a collection of
type \tt{<ty>}: all loops in this discipline must explicitly build a collection.
This may seem restrictive, however given that the programmer can implement the \tt{Collectible}
typeclass for things that are not traditionally considered "collections", it does not impose undue
There are important type restrictions on the various forms in \tt{for}: \tt{<collection>} must be an
\tt{Iterable}, and \tt{<ty>} must be a \tt{Collectible}. For the moment, we will not make any claims
about the type of \tt{<expr>}. In the end, we will require a special type of \tt{<expr>}, but the
intuitive type restrictions on items being collected will actually be imposed by the \tt{collect}
\subsection{The \tt{collect} and \tt{pass} keyword constructs}
The \tt{collect} keyword takes only an expression \tt{<expr>}, which implicitly is assumed to
contain references to the loop variable \tt{<var>}; though of course there are situations where it
may not. Here is where we impose the restriction that \tt{<expr>} must be of the same type as
\tt{<ty>}'s \tt{item} type: that is, \tt{<expr>} must be something that can be \tt{insert}ed into
an internal accumulator of type \tt{<ty>}.
The \tt{pass} keyword's sole purpose is to make \tt{filter} expressions well-founded. Consider the
following program to filter out all zero elements in a list, which would not be feasible to write
without \tt{pass}:
for x in [1, 2, 0, 3] $\arrow$ int list
if zero? x
then pass
else collect x
\tt{pass} imposes no type restrictions and is defined to unify with any \tt{collect} expression.
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