Commit 8018eb24 by Mark Cohen

More presentation progress

parent 7d3f4f9c
Showing with 80 additions and 5 deletions
\usepackage{amssymb, amsmath, amsthm, amsrefs}
\usepackage{amssymb, amsmath, amsthm, amsrefs, mathtools}
\usepackage[english = american]{csquotes}
......@@ -32,6 +32,9 @@
% backslash alias
\newcommand{\bs}{\, \backslash \,}
% teletype alias
\title{Typeclasses with Associated Types for ML Languages}
\subtitle{Bachelors' Thesis}
......@@ -88,8 +91,8 @@ impl Iterator for Fibonacci {
\item<1-> But there are drawbacks to each of these schemes.
\item<2-> Python: not type-sound
\item<2-> Rust: trait-based % can only impl traits for types you "own"
\item<2-> Python: impure, not type-sound
\item<2-> Rust: impure, trait-based % can only impl traits for types you "own"
......@@ -99,7 +102,79 @@ impl Iterator for Fibonacci {
\begin{frame}{Beginnings: polymorphic type inference}
\begin{frame}[fragile]{Beginnings: polymorphic type inference}
id = fn x => x
(id 4, id true)
\item Need to be able to assign type $\forall \alpha . \alpha \arrow \alpha$ to \tt{id}
\item Need to be able to instantiate \tt{id} twice
\begin{frame}[fragile]{Adding in typeclasses}
\item<1-> Work at the level of \tt{over} and \tt{inst} declarations
\item<2-> {
\tt{over eq?} &:: \forall \alpha . \alpha \arrow \alpha \arrow \tt{bool in}\\
\tt{inst eq?} &:: \tt{int} \arrow \tt{int} \arrow \tt{bool} \tt{ = } \lambda \tt{x} .
\lambda \tt{y} \ldots \tt{in}\\
\tt{inst eq?} &:: \tt{char} \arrow \tt{char} \arrow \tt{bool} \tt{ = } \lambda \tt{x} .
\lambda \tt{y} \ldots \tt{in}\\
&\tt{((eq? 5 10), (eq? \#"a" \#"a"))}\\
\begin{frame}{Typeclasses: translation to Hindley-Milner}
% Inference and translation rules from Wadler and Blott
\begin{frame}[fragile]{Correcting a translation error}
Consider the following program:
over eq? :: $\forall \alpha .$ $\alpha$ $\arrow$ $\alpha$ $\arrow$ bool in
inst eq? :: int $\arrow$ int $\arrow$ bool = $\lambda$x.$\lambda$y. $\ldots$ in
inst eq? :: char $\arrow$ char $\arrow$ bool = $\lambda$x.$\lambda$y. $\ldots$ in
inst eq? :: $\forall \alpha . \forall \beta .$
(eq? :: $\alpha$ $\arrow$ $\alpha$ $\arrow$ bool).
(eq? :: $\beta$ $\arrow$ $\beta$ $\arrow$ bool).
($\alpha$ * $\beta$ $\arrow$ $\alpha$ * $\beta$ $\arrow$ bool)
= $\lambda$x.$\lambda$y. $\ldots$ in
eq? (1, #"a") (2, #"b")
\begin{frame}[fragile]{Correcting a translation error}
Per Wadler and Blott, the translation should be:
let eq?$_\tt{int}$ = $\lambda$x.$\lambda$y. $\ldots$ in
let eq?$_\tt{char}$ = $\lambda$x.$\lambda$y. $\ldots$ in
let eq?$_{\alpha * \beta}$ = $\lambda$eq?$_\alpha$.$\lambda$eq?$_\beta$.$\lambda$x.$\lambda$y. $\ldots$ in
eq?$_{\alpha * \beta}$ eq?$_\tt{int}$ eq?$_\tt{char}$ (1, #"a") (2, #"b")
\begin{frame}{Associated types}
\item New \tt{assoc} declaration
% TODO: why not Haskell?
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