Commit 8ddeadd5 by Mark Cohen

Create let-reduction phase; let-bound polymorphism working but hacky

parent cec47b15
......@@ -24,8 +24,6 @@ structure Annotate: sig
| AAbs of string * aterm * Ty.ty
| AApp of aterm * aterm * Ty.ty
| ALet of string * Ty.ty * aterm * aterm * Ty.ty
val getTy: aterm -> Ty.ty Attempt.attempt
val annotate: AST.term -> aterm Attempt.attempt
......@@ -68,8 +66,6 @@ end = struct
| AAbs of string * aterm * Ty.ty
| AApp of aterm * aterm * Ty.ty
| ALet of string * Ty.ty * aterm * aterm * Ty.ty
fun getTy (AUnit ty) = pure ty
| getTy (AVar (_, ty)) = pure ty
......@@ -93,8 +89,6 @@ end = struct
| getTy (AAbs (_, _, ty)) = pure ty
| getTy (AApp (_, _, ty)) = pure ty
| getTy (ALet (_, _, _, _, ty)) = pure ty
fun annotate' g AST.Unit = pure (AUnit Ty.Unit)
| annotate' g (AST.Var x) =
TyEnv.lookup g x >>= (fn ty =>
......@@ -154,12 +148,16 @@ end = struct
annotate' g arg >>= (fn aarg =>
pure (AApp (af, aarg, Ty.freshTyVar ()))))
| annotate' g (AST.Let (x, NONE, e', e)) =
annotate' g (AST.Let (x, SOME (Ty.freshTyVar ()), e', e))
| annotate' g (AST.Let (x, SOME ty, e', e)) =
annotate' (g <+> (x, ty)) e' >>= (fn ae' =>
annotate' (g <+> (x, ty)) e >>= (fn ae =>
pure (ALet (x, ty, ae', ae, Ty.freshTyVar ()))))
(* | annotate' g (AST.Let (x, NONE, e', e)) = *)
(* annotate' g (AST.Let (x, SOME (Ty.freshTyVar ()), e', e)) *)
(* | annotate' g (AST.Let (x, SOME ty, e', e)) = *)
(* annotate' (g <+> (x, ty)) e' >>= (fn ae' => *)
(* annotate' (g <+> (x, ty)) e >>= (fn ae => *)
(* pure (ALet (x, ty, ae', ae, Ty.freshTyVar ())))) *)
(* TODO: what do we do with type annotations? *)
| annotate' g (AST.Let (_, _, _, _)) =
Failure "annotate: unexpected let (should've been reduced away)"
val annotate = annotate' []
......@@ -26,12 +26,25 @@ structure AST: sig
| Let of string * Ty.ty option * term * term
val subst: term -> string -> term -> term
val isValue: term -> bool
val unparse: term -> string
end = struct
open Attempt
open AttemptMonad
structure AttemptMonadUtil = MonadUtil(AttemptMonad)
open AttemptMonadUtil
infixr 0 $
infix 1 >>= >>
infixr 1 =<< >=> <=<
infix 4 <$> <*>
datatype term
= Unit
| Var of string
......@@ -59,6 +72,67 @@ end = struct
| Let of string * Ty.ty option * term * term
(* substitute s for x in e *)
fun subst _ _ Unit = Unit
| subst s x (Var y) =
if x = y
then s
else Var y
| subst _ _ True = True
| subst _ _ False = False
| subst s x (If (e1, e2, e3)) = crank3 s x e1 e2 e3 If
| subst _ _ Zero = Zero
| subst s x (Succ e) = crank1 s x e Succ
| subst s x (Pred e) = crank1 s x e Pred
| subst _ _ Nil = Nil
| subst s x (Cons (e1, e2)) = crank2 s x e1 e2 Cons
| subst s x (Pair (e1, e2)) = crank2 s x e1 e2 Pair
| subst _ _ None = None
| subst s x (Some e) = crank1 s x e Some
| subst s x (Case (e1, x2, e2, e3)) =
val (x2', e2Pre) = freshen x x2 e2
crank3 s x e1 e2Pre e3 (fn (e1', e2', e3') => (Case (e1', x2', e2', e3')))
| subst s x (Abs (y, e)) =
val (y', ePre) = freshen x y e
crank1 s x ePre (fn e' => Abs (y', e'))
| subst s x (App (e1, e2)) = crank2 s x e1 e2 App
| subst s x (Let (y, ty, e1, e2)) =
val (y', e1Pre) = freshen x y e1
val (y', e2Pre) = freshen x y e2
crank2 s x e1Pre e2Pre (fn (e1', e2') => Let (y', ty, e1', e2'))
and freshen x1 x2 e =
if x1 = x2
then ("@" ^ x2, subst (Var ("@" ^ x2)) x2 e)
else (x2, e)
and crank1 s x e con = con (subst s x e)
and crank2 s x e1 e2 con =
val e1' = subst s x e1
val e2' = subst s x e2
con (e1', e2')
and crank3 s x e1 e2 e3 con =
val e1' = subst s x e1
val e2' = subst s x e2
val e3' = subst s x e3
con (e1', e2', e3')
fun isValue Unit = true
| isValue (True | False) = true
......@@ -55,10 +55,10 @@ end = struct
getTy arg >>= (fn argTy =>
collect' (f :: arg :: aes) ((fTy, Fun (argTy, ty)) :: cs)))
| collect' (ALet (x, ty', ae', ae, ty) :: aes) cs =
getTy ae' >>= (fn ae'Ty =>
getTy ae >>= (fn aeTy =>
collect' (ae' :: ae :: aes) ((ae'Ty, ty') :: (aeTy, ty) :: cs)))
(* | collect' (ALet (x, ty', ae', ae, ty) :: aes) cs = *)
(* getTy ae' >>= (fn ae'Ty => *)
(* getTy ae >>= (fn aeTy => *)
(* collect' (ae' :: ae :: aes) ((ae'Ty, ty') :: (aeTy, ty) :: cs))) *)
| collect' (_ :: aes) cs = collect' aes cs
end end
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ structure Compile : sig
val unscan: string -> string Attempt.attempt
val parse: string -> AST.term Attempt.attempt
val unparse: string -> string Attempt.attempt
val letReduce: string -> AST.term Attempt.attempt
val annotate: string -> Annotate.aterm Attempt.attempt
val collect: string -> (Ty.ty * Ty.ty) list Attempt.attempt
val unify: string -> Unify.substitution Attempt.attempt
......@@ -40,7 +41,9 @@ end = struct
val parse = compile scan Parse.parse
val unparse = compile parse (pure o AST.unparse)
val annotate = compile parse Annotate.annotate
val letReduce = compile parse (pure o LetReduce.reduce)
val annotate = compile letReduce Annotate.annotate
val collect = compile annotate Collect.collect
val unify = compile collect Unify.unify
fun typeof prog =
structure LetReduce: sig
val reduce: AST.term -> AST.term
end = struct
local open AST in
fun reduce Unit = Unit
| reduce (Var x) = Var x
| reduce True = True
| reduce False = False
| reduce (If (e1, e2, e3)) = crank3 e1 e2 e3 If
| reduce Zero = Zero
| reduce (Succ e) = crank1 e Succ
| reduce (Pred e) = crank1 e Pred
| reduce Nil = Nil
| reduce (Cons (e1, e2)) = crank2 e1 e2 Cons
| reduce (Pair (e1, e2)) = crank2 e1 e2 Pair
| reduce None = None
| reduce (Some e) = crank1 e Some
| reduce (Case (e1, x2, e2, e3)) = crank3 e1 e2 e3 (fn (e1', e2', e3') => Case (e1', x2, e2', e3'))
| reduce (Abs (x, e)) = crank1 e (fn e' => Abs (x, e'))
| reduce (App (e1, e2)) = crank2 e1 e2 App
| reduce (Let (x, ty, e1, e2)) = reduce (subst e1 x e2)
and crank1 e con = con (reduce e)
and crank2 e1 e2 con =
val e1' = reduce e1
val e2' = reduce e2
con (e1, e2)
and crank3 e1 e2 e3 con =
val e1' = reduce e1
val e2' = reduce e2
val e3' = reduce e3
con (e1, e2, e3)
......@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ Group
structure Impl
structure Parse
structure LetReduce
structure TyEnv
structure Annotate
structure Collect
......@@ -53,6 +55,8 @@ is
......@@ -161,3 +161,5 @@ It's ugly, but complete, and it does in fact work in isolated testing.
Trouble is, it doesn't play nice with the larger parser. I'm going to have to consult some other functional implementations of this algorithm to see how I can simplify this.
Specifically, I don't think I have a reliable way to tell it when it's done with the output. What I could do is find a way to have it ignore tokens that couldn't be part of the type expression. Or, in the let parser, I could gobble the tokens until the Equals, and then pass those tokens into the shunting yard parser. I think that might actually be easier, but I still want to see if I can make the shunting yard nicer.
2019-05-27 21:28 Let polymorphism is working but I don't yet know what to do with ascribed types - do we just drop them?
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