Commit b20db9c8 by Mark Cohen

paper: more progress

parent 1df37f6d
Showing with 79 additions and 6 deletions
\usepackage{amssymb, amsmath, amsthm, amsrefs}
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%% better code font
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\usepackage{listings, inconsolata, letltxmacro}
\lstset{basicstyle=\ttfamily\footnotesize, breaklines=true}
\DeclareRobustCommand{\ttfamily}{\oldttfamily\csname ttsize\endcsname}
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% backslash alias
\newcommand{\bs}{\, \backslash \,}
% teletype alias
\title{Iterative Programming in ML Languages with Type Classes and Associated Types}
Mark Cohen\\
......@@ -56,7 +63,73 @@
% gobble page number for title
Iterative programming is second-to-none in terms of being powerful, highly intuitive, and having a
low cognitive load. Other disciplines of programming with collections come with substantial
tradeoffs. Using purely functional \tt{map}, \tt{filter}, and \tt{fold} is substantially less
powerful, as there's no mechanism for reusing code across different types of collections. And using
monadic sequencing operators is highly powerful and has a low cognitive load once the programmer
clears the bar for understanding this discipline; unfortunately, that bar is very high.
Consider the following Python program:
for (k, v) in db:
if query(k):
res.append((k, v))
return dict(res)
This is highly intuitive: the gap between one's mental model and the actual program is minimal. This
particular snippet iterates over all key-value pairs in a dictionary, performs some query on each
one, and appends all keys that pass the query to some response list. Then, it converts that response
list to a dictionary with blank values.
Contrast the above with the following equivalent Standard ML (SML) program:
fun arrToDict' d [] = d
| arrToDict' d ((k, v) :: xs) =
arrToDict' (dictAdd d (k, v)) xs
fun arrToDict xs = arrToDict' {} xs
arrToDict (filter (fn (k, _) => query k) d)
This is, in contrast, highly unintuitive: it requires one to think inside-out. To be sure, this
discipline of programming has many benefits, chiefly that it is purely functional. An additional
benefit is that languages in this discipline tend to be type-sound, where languages in the iterative
discipline tend to be either untyped (Python, Javascript, etc) or weakly typed (C, Java, etc). These
tendencies are purely correlative, but nonetheless represent real-world constraints.
One notable exception to this rule is Rust, which provides iteration based on traits ((TODO: cite
Scharli, also maybe some Rust papers?)). Below is a Rust program equivalent to the two discussed
for (k, v) in db.iter() {
if query(k) {
res.collect::<HashMap<K, V>>()
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
\DeclareRobustCommand{\ttfamily}{\oldttfamily\csname ttsize\endcsname}
......@@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ eq?$_{\alpha * \beta}$ eq?$_\tt{int}$ eq?$_\tt{char}$ (1, #"a") (1, #"a")
\infer[no rule] 3{A, (x' :: \tau' \bs x_{\tau'}) \proves e :: \sigma \bar{\rho} \; \tau \bs \bar{e}}
\infer[no rule] 1 {A, (x' :: \tau' \bs x_{\tau'}) \proves e' :: \sigma'' \rho'' \tau'' \bs \bar{e}'}
\infer 1 {
A \proves (\tt{inst } x :: \sigma \rho \, \tau = e \tt{ in } e') ::
A \proves (\tt{inst } x :: \sigma \rho \tau = e \tt{ in } e') ::
\sigma'' \rho'' \tau'' \bs (\tt{inst } x ::
\sigma \bar{\rho} \tau = \lambda x'_{\tau'} . \bar{e} \tt{ in } \bar{e}')}
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