Commit 9aa509c1 by Michelle Awh

renamed PyGUI as WikiHowHow - user interface cdoe will be in this document

parent ea2e1a08
import sys
import PySimpleGUI as sg
import SearchResults
def callback_function1():
sg.popup('In Callback Function 1')
print('In the callback function 1')
def callback_function2():
sg.popup('In Callback Function 2')
print('In the callback function 2')
Filters = None
layout = [[sg.Text('Wikihow Tool')],
[sg.Text('Search Here'), sg.Input(key = 'Query'), sg.Button('Search')],
[sg.Text('Filters', font = ('Helvetica', 15, 'underline'))],
[sg.Text('ChildSafety'), sg.CBox('On', key = 'child_safe'), sg.Spin([i for i in range(53)], initial_value=0, key = "date_updated"), sg.Text('Max time (months) since last update')],
[sg.Text('Expert Co-authored'), sg.CBox('', key = 'e_verif'), sg.Text('Quality Tested'), sg.CBox('', key = 'q_verif')],
[sg.Text('Minimum % viewers who found it helpful'), sg.Slider(range=(0,100), default_value=50, size=(20,15), orientation='horizontal', font=('Helvetica', 12), key = 'pct_helpful')],
[sg.Spin([i for i in range(100)], initial_value=0, key = "num_voters"), sg.Text('Number of people who voted on helpfulness')],
[sg.Text('Categories'), sg.CBox('House & Garden', key = 'House'), sg.CBox('Computers & Internet', key = 'CP & I'), sg.CBox('Art and Literature', key = 'Arts'), sg.CBox('Social and Organizational Skills', key = 'Social keys')],
[sg.Spin([i for i in range(100)], initial_value=0, key = "num_sources"), sg.Text('Number of sources cited')],
[sg.Spin([i for i in range(100)], initial_value=0, key = "num_views"), sg.Text('Views')],
[sg.Combo(['English', 'Español', 'Português', 'Italiano', 'Français', 'русский язык', 'Deutsch', '简体中文', 'Nederlands', 'Čeština', 'Bahasa Indonesia', '日本語', 'हिंदी', 'ภาษาไทย',' العَرَبِيةُ', 'Tiếng Việt', '한국말', 'Türkçe',' فارسی']), sg.Text('Language of the Article')],
[sg.StatusBar( text=f'| Filters On: {Filters}', size=(30,1), pad=(0,0), text_color='black', background_color='white', relief=sg.RELIEF_FLAT, justification='left', visible=True, key='status_bar' )]]
def interact():
window = sg.Window('WikiHow Search and Filters', layout)
while True:
event, values =
print(event, values)
if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED:
elif event == 'Search':
filters = values
wh_query = values['Query']
print(filters, wh_query)
sg.theme('DarkAmber') # Add a little color to your windows
# All the stuff inside your window. This is the PSG magic code compactor...
layout = [ [sg.Text('Some text on Row 1')],
[sg.Text('Enter something on Row 2'), sg.InputText()],
[sg.OK(), sg.Cancel()]]
# Create the Window
window = sg.Window('Window Title', layout)
# Event Loop to process "events"
while True:
event, values =
if event in (sg.WIN_CLOSED, 'Cancel'):
print('you entered', values[0])
\ No newline at end of file
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import re
import urllib.parse
import sys
import unicodedata
import WikiHowHow
import PySimpleGUI as sg
import SearchResults
import PyGUI
def interact():
\ No newline at end of file
def callback_function1():
sg.popup('In Callback Function 1')
print('In the callback function 1')
def callback_function2():
sg.popup('In Callback Function 2')
print('In the callback function 2')
layout = [[sg.Text('Wikihow Tool')],
[sg.Text('Search Here'), sg.Input(key = 'Query'), sg.Button('Search')],
[sg.Text('Filters', font = ('Helvetica', 15, 'underline'))],
[sg.Text('ChildSafety'), sg.CBox('On', key = 'child_safe'), sg.Spin([i for i in range(53)], initial_value=0, key = "date_updated"), sg.Text('Max time (months) since last update')],
[sg.Text('Expert Co-authored'), sg.CBox('', key = 'e_verif'), sg.Text('Quality Tested'), sg.CBox('', key = 'q_verif')],
[sg.Text('Minimum % viewers who found it helpful'), sg.Slider(range=(0,100), default_value=50, size=(20,15), orientation='horizontal', font=('Helvetica', 12), key = 'pct_helpful')],
[sg.Spin([i for i in range(100)], initial_value=0, key = "num_voters"), sg.Text('Number of people who voted on helpfulness')],
[sg.Text('Categories'), sg.CBox('House & Garden', key = 'House'), sg.CBox('Computers & Internet', key = 'CP & I'), sg.CBox('Art and Literature', key = 'Arts'), sg.CBox('Social and Organizational Skills', key = 'Social keys')],
[sg.Spin([i for i in range(100)], initial_value=0, key = "num_sources"), sg.Text('Number of sources cited')],
[sg.Spin([i for i in range(100)], initial_value=0, key = "num_views"), sg.Text('Views')],
[sg.Combo(['English', 'Español', 'Português', 'Italiano', 'Français', 'русский язык', 'Deutsch', '简体中文', 'Nederlands', 'Čeština', 'Bahasa Indonesia', '日本語', 'हिंदी', 'ภาษาไทย',' العَرَبِيةُ', 'Tiếng Việt', '한국말', 'Türkçe',' فارسی']), sg.Text('Language of the Article')],
[sg.StatusBar( text=f'| Filters On: {None}', size=(30,1), pad=(0,0), text_color='black', background_color='white', relief=sg.RELIEF_FLAT, justification='left', visible=True, key='status_bar' )]]
def interact(filters = {}):
window = sg.Window('WikiHow Search and Filters', layout)
while True:
event, values =
if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED:
elif event == 'Search':
filters = values
wh_query = values['Query']
print(event, values)
def display_results(filters):
query = filters['Query']
results = SearchResults.SearchResults(query, filters)
#code to add window here
sg.theme('DarkAmber') # Add a little color to your windows
# All the stuff inside your window. This is the PSG magic code compactor...
layout = [ [sg.Text('Some text on Row 1')],
[sg.Text('Enter something on Row 2'), sg.InputText()],
[sg.OK(), sg.Cancel()]]
# Create the Window
window = sg.Window('Window Title', layout)
# Event Loop to process "events"
while True:
event, values =
if event in (sg.WIN_CLOSED, 'Cancel'):
print('you entered', values[0])
\ No newline at end of file
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import re
import urllib.parse
import sys
import unicodedata
import WikiHowHow
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