Commit f77600a7 by Michelle Awh

Merge branch 'master' of

parents f0978ef8 41119b77
Showing with 31 additions and 0 deletions
def expert_data(soup):
Take a soup object and return a string if it has an
expert co-author or if it has been quality tested
Input: soup object
Returns: String
expert = soup.find("div", class_ = "sp_coauthor_label")
if expert != None:
if "Co-authored" in expert.text:
return "Expert Co-authored"
elif "Tested" in expert.text:
return "Quality Tested"
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -139,3 +139,18 @@ def scrape_words(url):
return " ".join(text)
def expert_data(soup):
Take a soup object and return a string if it has an
expert co-author or if it has been quality tested
Input: soup object
Returns: String
expert = soup.find("div", class_ = "sp_coauthor_label")
if expert != None:
if "Co-authored" in expert.text:
return "Expert Co-authored"
elif "Tested" in expert.text:
return "Quality Tested"
\ No newline at end of file
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