Commit 73e93bd1 by Stuart Kurtz

Day 16, started.

parent c5c3cfb3
Showing with 90 additions and 2 deletions
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ author: Stuart A. Kurtz
common aoc-common
build-depends : base ^>=, array, containers
build-depends : base ^>=, array, containers, mtl
hs-source-dirs : src
default-extensions : TypeApplications
default-language : Haskell2010
module Main where
import Control.Monad.State
type HexString = String
type BitString = String
hex2bin :: HexString -> BitString
hex2bin = concatMap c where
c '0' = "0000"
c '1' = "0001"
c '2' = "0010"
c '3' = "0011"
c '4' = "0100"
c '5' = "0101"
c '6' = "0110"
c '7' = "0111"
c '8' = "1000"
c '9' = "1001"
c 'A' = "1010"
c 'B' = "1011"
c 'C' = "1100"
c 'D' = "1101"
c 'E' = "1110"
c 'F' = "1111"
c ch = error $ "hex2bin -- unexpected character: " ++ [ch]
data PacketContents
= Literal Integer
| List [PacketContents]
deriving Show
data Packet = Packet { version :: Integer, typeID :: Integer, contents :: PacketContents }
deriving Show
type BitState = State BitString
bits :: Int -> BitState String
bits n = do
s <- get
let r = take n s
if length r /= n
then error "bits -- not enough bits"
else do
put (drop n s)
pure r
decode :: HexString -> (Packet,Int)
decode s = evalState process . hex2bin $ s where
process :: BitState (Packet,Int)
process = do
v <- bitsToInt <$> bits 3
t <- bitsToInt <$> bits 3
case t of
4 -> do
(n,nc) <- nibbles
pure $ (Packet v t (Literal (bitsToInt n)),nc+6)
_ -> do
lengthType <- bitsToInt <$> bits 1
case lengthType of
0 -> undefined
1 -> undefined
_ -> error "decode.process -- impossible lengthType"
nibbles :: BitState (BitString,Int)
nibbles = iter 6 where
iter n = do
ns <- bits 5
case ns of
'0' : bs -> do
let npad = 4 - (n+5) `mod` 4
pad <- bits npad
if all (== '0') pad
then pure (bs,5+npad)
else error "decode -- invalid padding"
'1' : bs -> do
(rest,nrest) <- iter (n+5)
pure $ (bs ++ rest,nrest + 5)
c : _ -> error $ "nibbles.iter -- nonbinary character: " ++ [c]
"" -> error $ "nibbles.iter -- out of bits"
bitsToInt :: BitString -> Integer
bitsToInt = sum . zipWith (*) (iterate (*2) 1) . map bitValue . reverse
bitValue :: Char -> Integer
bitValue '0' = 0
bitValue '1' = 1
bitValue c = error $ "decode -- nonbinary character in bitValue: " ++ [c]
main :: IO ()
main = pure ()
main =
print . decode $ "D2FE28"
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