Commit b16e9baf by Stuart Kurtz

Day 20

parent 322c4006
Showing with 91 additions and 20 deletions
module Main where
import Data.Array
import Data.Array ( Ix(range), (!), array, assocs, bounds, elems, inRange, Array )
type ImageAlgorithm = Array Int Int -- 512 elements
type Image = (Array (Int,Int) Int,Int) -- the second coordinate is the default pixel
......@@ -30,15 +30,17 @@ padImage (input,px) = (output,px) where
yInputMin = minimum [ y | ((_,y),v) <- assocs input, v /= px ]
xInputMax = maximum [ x | ((x,_),v) <- assocs input, v /= px ]
yInputMax = maximum [ y | ((_,y),v) <- assocs input, v /= px ]
xOffset = 3 - xInputMin
yOffset = 3 - yInputMin
xOutputMax = 5 + xInputMax - xInputMin
yOutputMax = 5 + yInputMax - yInputMin
padding = 2
xOffset = padding + 1 - xInputMin
yOffset = padding + 1 - yInputMin
xOutputMax = 2 * padding + 1 + xInputMax - xInputMin
yOutputMax = 2 * padding + 1 + yInputMax - yInputMin
bds = ((1,1),(xOutputMax,yOutputMax))
output = array ((1,1),(xOutputMax,yOutputMax)) [ (p,pixelAt p) | p <- range bds]
pixelAt (x,y)
| x <= 2 || y <= 2 || x >= xOutputMax - 1 || y >= yOutputMax - 1 = px
| otherwise = input ! (x - xOffset, y - yOffset)
| inRange (padding+1,xOutputMax-padding) x && inRange (padding+1,yOutputMax-padding) y
= input ! (x - xOffset, y - yOffset)
| otherwise = px
showImage :: Image -> String
showImage (arr,_) = unlines [ [ encode (arr ! (x,y)) | x <- [1..xMax] ] | y <- [1..yMax]] where
......@@ -48,14 +50,13 @@ showImage (arr,_) = unlines [ [ encode (arr ! (x,y)) | x <- [1..xMax] ] | y <- [
encode c = error $ "showImage.encode: invalid pixel value: " ++ show c
processImage :: ImageAlgorithm -> Image -> Image
processImage algorithm img = (result,dpx) where
(arr,_)= padImage img
processImage algorithm img = (result,ndpx) where
(arr,dpx)= padImage img
((1,1),(xMax,yMax)) = bounds arr
dpx = algorithm ! 0
borderpx = algorithm ! if dpx == 0 then 0 else 511
ndpx = algorithm ! if dpx == 0 then 0 else 511
result = array (bounds arr) $ [ ((x,y),pixelAt (x,y)) | x <-[1..xMax], y <- [1..yMax]]
pixelAt (x,y)
| x == 1 || x == xMax || y == 1 || y == yMax = borderpx
| x == 1 || x == xMax || y == 1 || y == yMax = ndpx
| otherwise = algorithm ! fromBinary (neighborhoodBits (x,y))
neighborhoodBits (x,y) = map (arr !) [(x',y') | y' <- [y-1..y+1], x' <- [x-1..x+1]]
......@@ -66,13 +67,10 @@ twice :: (a -> a) -> (a -> a)
twice f a = f (f a)
countLit :: Image -> Int
countLit (img,_) = length [p | p <- range (bounds img), img ! p == 1]
countLit (img,0) = sum . elems $ img
countLit (_,_) = error $ "countLit -- infinite image"
main :: IO ()
main = do
(algorithm,image) <- processInput <$> readFile "data/image.txt"
print . countLit . twice (processImage algorithm) $ image
5406 too high
(algorithm,img) <- processInput <$> readFile "data/image.txt"
putStr . show . countLit . twice (processImage algorithm) $ img
module Main where
import Data.Array ( Ix(range), (!), array, assocs, bounds, elems, inRange, Array )
type ImageAlgorithm = Array Int Int -- 512 elements
type Image = (Array (Int,Int) Int,Int) -- the second coordinate is the default pixel
processInput :: String -> (ImageAlgorithm,Image)
processInput s = (toAlgorithm header,toImage (tail rest)) where
header : rest = lines s
toAlgorithm = array (0,511) . zip [0..] . verify
verify str
| length str == 512 = map decode str
| otherwise = error "processInput -- invalid image algorithm"
decode :: Char -> Int
decode '#' = 1
decode '.' = 0
decode c = error $ "processInput.decode -- invalid character: " ++ [c]
toImage ls = (array ((1,1),(width,height)) pixels, 0) where
width = length (head ls)
height = length ls
pixels = [((x,y),decode c)
| (y,row) <- zip [1..] ls
, (x,c) <- zip [1..] row
padImage :: Image -> Image
padImage (input,px) = (output,px) where
xInputMin = minimum [ x | ((x,_),v) <- assocs input, v /= px ]
yInputMin = minimum [ y | ((_,y),v) <- assocs input, v /= px ]
xInputMax = maximum [ x | ((x,_),v) <- assocs input, v /= px ]
yInputMax = maximum [ y | ((_,y),v) <- assocs input, v /= px ]
padding = 2
xOffset = padding + 1 - xInputMin
yOffset = padding + 1 - yInputMin
xOutputMax = 2 * padding + 1 + xInputMax - xInputMin
yOutputMax = 2 * padding + 1 + yInputMax - yInputMin
bds = ((1,1),(xOutputMax,yOutputMax))
output = array ((1,1),(xOutputMax,yOutputMax)) [ (p,pixelAt p) | p <- range bds]
pixelAt (x,y)
| inRange (padding+1,xOutputMax-padding) x && inRange (padding+1,yOutputMax-padding) y
= input ! (x - xOffset, y - yOffset)
| otherwise = px
showImage :: Image -> String
showImage (arr,_) = unlines [ [ encode (arr ! (x,y)) | x <- [1..xMax] ] | y <- [1..yMax]] where
((1,1),(xMax,yMax)) = bounds arr
encode 0 = '.'
encode 1 = '#'
encode c = error $ "showImage.encode: invalid pixel value: " ++ show c
processImage :: ImageAlgorithm -> Image -> Image
processImage algorithm img = (result,ndpx) where
(arr,dpx)= padImage img
((1,1),(xMax,yMax)) = bounds arr
ndpx = algorithm ! if dpx == 0 then 0 else 511
result = array (bounds arr) $ [ ((x,y),pixelAt (x,y)) | x <-[1..xMax], y <- [1..yMax]]
pixelAt (x,y)
| x == 1 || x == xMax || y == 1 || y == yMax = ndpx
| otherwise = algorithm ! fromBinary (neighborhoodBits (x,y))
neighborhoodBits (x,y) = map (arr !) [(x',y') | y' <- [y-1..y+1], x' <- [x-1..x+1]]
fromBinary :: [Int] -> Int
fromBinary = sum . zipWith (*) (iterate (*2) 1) . reverse
iter :: Int -> (a -> a) -> (a -> a)
iter 0 _ = id
iter n f = f . iter (n-1) f
countLit :: Image -> Int
countLit (img,0) = sum . elems $ img
countLit (_,_) = error $ "countLit -- infinite image"
main :: IO ()
main = pure ()
main = do
(algorithm,img) <- processInput <$> readFile "data/image.txt"
putStr . show . countLit . iter 50 (processImage algorithm) $ img
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