Commit e9446394 by Stuart Kurtz

Day 13

parent b539dda5
Showing with 170 additions and 9 deletions
module Main where
import Data.Array
import Data.Char
import Data.Functor
( Ix(range), (!), accumArray, array, bounds, elems, Array )
import Data.Char ( isDigit )
import Data.Functor ( ($>), void )
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
( (<++),
ReadP )
data Fold
= FoldX Int
......@@ -56,11 +65,17 @@ interpret1 :: Fold -> Pixels -> Pixels
interpret1 (FoldX x) = foldX x
interpret1 (FoldY y) = foldY y
interpret :: Pixels -> [Fold] -> Pixels
interpret px fs = foldl (flip interpret1) px fs
overlay :: Pixels -> Pixels -> Pixels
overlay (Pixels parr) (Pixels qarr) = Pixels rarr where
rarr = if bounds parr == bounds qarr
then array (bounds parr) [ (p, parr ! p || qarr ! p) | p <- range . bounds $ parr]
else error "overlay: nonconforming Pixel arrays."
else error $ unwords ["overlay: nonconforming Pixel arrays"
, show . bounds $ parr
, show . bounds $ qarr
cutX :: Int -> Pixels -> (Pixels,Pixels)
cutX foldCol (Pixels parr) = (Pixels qarr, Pixels rarr) where
......@@ -68,7 +83,7 @@ cutX foldCol (Pixels parr) = (Pixels qarr, Pixels rarr) where
xMaxQ = foldCol - 1
qarr = array ((0,0),(xMaxQ,yMax)) [ ((x,y),parr ! (x,y)) | x <- [0..xMaxQ], y <- [0..yMax] ]
xMaxR = xMax - foldCol- 1
rarr = array ((0,0),(xMaxR,yMax)) [((x,y), parr ! (x,y+foldCol+1)) | x <- [0..xMaxR], y <-[0..yMax] ]
rarr = array ((0,0),(xMaxR,yMax)) [((x,y), parr ! (x+foldCol+1,y)) | x <- [0..xMaxR], y <-[0..yMax] ]
cutY :: Int -> Pixels -> (Pixels,Pixels)
cutY foldRow (Pixels parr) = (Pixels qarr, Pixels rarr) where
......@@ -115,15 +130,15 @@ foldX x px = padX (width right - width left) left
`overlay` padX (width left - width right) (flipX right)
(left,right) = cutX x px
width (Pixels arr) = xMax where
width (Pixels arr) = xMax + 1 where
((0,0),(xMax,_)) = bounds arr
foldY :: Int -> Pixels -> Pixels
foldY y px = padY (height top - height bottom) top
foldY y px = padY (height bottom - height top) top
`overlay` padY (height top - height bottom) (flipY bottom)
(top,bottom) = cutY y px
height (Pixels arr) = yMax where
height (Pixels arr) = yMax + 1 where
((0,0),(_,yMax)) = bounds arr
score :: Pixels -> Int
......@@ -133,4 +148,4 @@ main :: IO ()
main = do
input <- read @Instructions <$> readFile "data/dots.txt"
let pixels = makePixels . dots $ input
print . score . foldY 7 $ pixels
putStr . showPixels . interpret pixels $ (folds input)
\ No newline at end of file
module Main where
import Data.Array
( Ix(range), (!), accumArray, array, bounds, elems, Array )
import Data.Char ( isDigit )
import Data.Functor ( ($>), void )
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
( (<++),
ReadP )
data Fold
= FoldX Int
| FoldY Int
deriving Show
data Instructions = Instructions
{ dots :: [(Int,Int)]
, folds :: [Fold]
} deriving Show
parseInt :: ReadP Int
parseInt = read <$> munch1 isDigit
parseFold :: ReadP Fold
parseFold = parseDirection <*> parseInt where
parseDirection = parseFold' 'x' FoldX <++ parseFold' 'y' FoldY
parseFold' c op = string "fold along " *> char c *> char '=' $> op
parseInstructions :: ReadP Instructions
parseInstructions = do
ds <- many $ do
x <- parseInt
void $ char ','
y <- parseInt
pure $ (x,y)
fs <- many $ parseFold <* skipSpaces
pure $ Instructions ds fs
instance Read Instructions where
readsPrec _ = readP_to_S parseInstructions
data Pixels = Pixels { getPixels :: Array (Int,Int) Bool }
makePixels :: [(Int,Int)] -> Pixels
makePixels ps = Pixels $ accumArray (\_ _ -> True) False ((0,0),(xMax,yMax)) mps where
xMax = maximum $ map fst ps
yMax = maximum $ map snd ps
mps = [(p,()) | p <- ps]
showPixels :: Pixels -> String
showPixels (Pixels parr) = unlines scanLines where
scanLines = [ [ toPixel $ parr ! (x,y) | x <- [0..xMax] ] | y <- [0..yMax] ]
((0,0),(xMax,yMax)) = bounds parr
toPixel True = '#'
toPixel False = '.'
interpret1 :: Fold -> Pixels -> Pixels
interpret1 (FoldX x) = foldX x
interpret1 (FoldY y) = foldY y
overlay :: Pixels -> Pixels -> Pixels
overlay (Pixels parr) (Pixels qarr) = Pixels rarr where
rarr = if bounds parr == bounds qarr
then array (bounds parr) [ (p, parr ! p || qarr ! p) | p <- range . bounds $ parr]
else error $ unwords ["overlay: nonconforming Pixel arrays"
, show . bounds $ parr
, show . bounds $ qarr
cutX :: Int -> Pixels -> (Pixels,Pixels)
cutX foldCol (Pixels parr) = (Pixels qarr, Pixels rarr) where
((0,0),(xMax,yMax)) = bounds parr
xMaxQ = foldCol - 1
qarr = array ((0,0),(xMaxQ,yMax)) [ ((x,y),parr ! (x,y)) | x <- [0..xMaxQ], y <- [0..yMax] ]
xMaxR = xMax - foldCol- 1
rarr = array ((0,0),(xMaxR,yMax)) [((x,y), parr ! (x+foldCol+1,y)) | x <- [0..xMaxR], y <-[0..yMax] ]
cutY :: Int -> Pixels -> (Pixels,Pixels)
cutY foldRow (Pixels parr) = (Pixels qarr, Pixels rarr) where
((0,0),(xMax,yMax)) = bounds parr
yMaxQ = foldRow - 1
qarr = array ((0,0),(xMax,yMaxQ)) [ ((x,y),parr ! (x,y)) | x <- [0..xMax], y <- [0..yMaxQ] ]
yMaxR = yMax - foldRow - 1
rarr = array ((0,0),(xMax,yMaxR)) [((x,y), parr ! (x,y+foldRow+1)) | x <- [0..xMax], y <-[0..yMaxR] ]
flipX :: Pixels -> Pixels
flipX (Pixels parr) = Pixels qarr where
((0,0),(xMax,yMax)) = bounds parr
qarr = array (bounds parr) [((x,y),parr ! (xMax - x,y)) | x <- [0..xMax], y <- [0..yMax]]
flipY :: Pixels -> Pixels
flipY (Pixels parr) = Pixels qarr where
((0,0),(xMax,yMax)) = bounds parr
qarr = array (bounds parr) [((x,y),parr ! (x,yMax-y)) | x <- [0..xMax], y <- [0..yMax]]
padX :: Int -> Pixels -> Pixels
padX cols (Pixels parr)
| cols <= 0 = (Pixels parr)
| otherwise = Pixels qarr where
((0,0),(xMaxP,yMax)) = bounds parr
xMaxQ = xMaxP + cols
qarr = array ((0,0),(xMaxQ,yMax)) [ ((x,y), valueAt x y) | x <- [0..xMaxQ], y <- [0..yMax] ]
valueAt x y
| x < cols = False
| otherwise = parr ! (x-cols,y)
padY :: Int -> Pixels -> Pixels
padY rows (Pixels parr)
| rows <= 0 = (Pixels parr)
| otherwise = Pixels qarr where
((0,0),(xMax,yMaxP)) = bounds parr
yMaxQ = yMaxP + rows
qarr = array ((0,0),(xMax,yMaxQ)) [ ((x,y), valueAt x y) | x <- [0..xMax], y <- [0..yMaxQ] ]
valueAt x y
| y < rows = False
| otherwise = parr ! (x,y-rows)
foldX :: Int -> Pixels -> Pixels
foldX x px = padX (width right - width left) left
`overlay` padX (width left - width right) (flipX right)
(left,right) = cutX x px
width (Pixels arr) = xMax + 1 where
((0,0),(xMax,_)) = bounds arr
foldY :: Int -> Pixels -> Pixels
foldY y px = padY (height bottom - height top) top
`overlay` padY (height top - height bottom) (flipY bottom)
(top,bottom) = cutY y px
height (Pixels arr) = yMax + 1 where
((0,0),(_,yMax)) = bounds arr
score :: Pixels -> Int
score (Pixels arr) = length . filter id . elems $ arr
main :: IO ()
main = pure ()
main = do
input <- read @Instructions <$> readFile "data/dots.txt"
let pixels = makePixels . dots $ input
print . score . interpret1 (head (folds input)) $ pixels
\ No newline at end of file
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