Commit 0cfaadd4 by Sanjay Krishnan

Added in homework 4!!

parent 5f300a1a
# Sketching
*Due 6/11/19 11:59 PM (for all students)*
*Due 6/6/19 11:59 PM (for all graduating seniors)*
In this assignment, you will revisit the IMDB dataset and explore approximate ways of counting distinct values.
## Getting Started
First, pull the most recent changes from the cmsc13600-public repository:
$ git pull
Then, copy the `hw4` folder to your submission repository. Change directories to enter your submission repository. Your code will go into `` this is the only file that you will modify. Finally, add `` using `git add`:
$ git add
$ git commit -m'initialized homework'
Now, you will need to fetch the data used in this assignment. Download title.csv put it in the hw4 folder:
DO NOT ADD title.csv to the git repo! After downloading the
dataset, there is a python module provided for you called ``, which reads the dataset. This module loads the data in as
an iterator in two functions `imdb_years()` and `imdb_title_words()`:
>> for i in imdb_years():
... print(i)
<so on>
Play around with both `imdb_years()` and `imdb_title_words()` to get a feel for how the data works. You will also find it useful to install NumPy for this project:
$ pip3 install numpy
## Helper Functions
You will first write a series of helper functions to manipulate hash codes.
### hashcode(s)
The first function to implement is `hashcode(s)`. This function takes in a string and returns a a 32-bit unsigned integer. You will use the python function `hash(obj)` to implement this function. Hint: Python uses 64 bit integers and you will find the numpy library useful to converting the hash code into a 32 bit number.
### code2bin(code)
The next function to implement is `code2bin(code)`. This function takes in a 32-bit unsigned code from the previous example and turns it into a binary list of 32 1/0 values.
The list must be ordered from most significant to least significant bit, i.e., the most significant bit is the first element of the list.
### bin2code(lst)
This function takes in a 32-bit binary list and returns a unsigned 32-bit integer; assuming most significant bit first as before. This should be able to retrive your original code value!
### rho(lst)
The last helper function you will write is `rho(lst)` which returns the position of the left-most bit that is one. If there is no bit with the value one, just return the length of lst.
## HyperLogLog Algorithm
The gist of HyperLogLog is that it maintains a compressed array (`self.M`) that summarizes the data. For each record in your dataset, it updates this array. `self.b` determines how big this compressed array is. At the end it tries to reconstruct the distinct count from this array. You will write the `update(s)` function for HyperLogLog. The update function takes an input string `s` and updates self.M accordingly:
1. Calculate the hash code of s
2. Calculate the binary representation of the hashcode (call it c)
3. Split this binary representation into two sublists b- (the first b elements) and b+ (the remaining elements)
4. Use your helper functions to calculate j: the integer representation of (b-), and w: the position of the left-most bit in b+.
5. Update with `self.M[j] = max(self.M[j], w)`
## Testing and Submission
We have provided a basic wrapper in ``, the test is incomplete and is not meant to comprehensively grade your assignment. If you follow directions closely you should usually be within 50 of the true count for `imdb_years()`. After you finish the assignment you can submit your code with:
$ git push
The core module sets up the data structures and
and references for this programming assignment.
import platform
import os
import json
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
print("This assignment will not work on a windows computer")
def imdb_title_words():
f = open('title.csv','r')
line = f.readline()
while line != "":
words = line.strip().split(',')[1].split()
for w in words:
yield w
line = f.readline()
def imdb_years():
f = open('title.csv','r')
line = f.readline()
cnt = 0
while line != "":
csvsplit = line.strip().split(',')
year = csvsplit[len(csvsplit) - 8]
if year.strip() != "":
yield year
line = f.readline()
cnt += 1
The HyperLogLog algorithm is an algorithm designed to count the number
of distinct values in a set when the set is too large to fit in memory.
Like MinHash, it uses probabilistic methods to approximate the true
value of the distinct cardinality.
Write your implementation of the HyperLogLog algorithm here. The outline
of the algorithm can be found in the paper,
"HyperLogLog: the analysis of a near-optimal cardinality estimation algorithm"
by Flajolet et al.
The assignment asks you to implement a simplification of this algorithm. Figure 3 in the
paper describes the whole algorithm
We will test your implementation against the IMDB dataset (title.csv) used in HW1. View
the file to see how the class will be used. The method skeletons provided are
for your convenience, but only the __init__, count, and update methods will be used for
Your implementation should run in less than 5 minutes. Do not use Python counting data
structures such as Counter, histograms, or dictionaries adapted for counting purposes.
import numpy as np
# Step 1.
def hashcode(s):
This function takes in a string and returns a a 32-bit
unsigned integer.
# Step 2.
def code2bin(code):
This function takes in a 32-bit unsigned code from
the previous example and turns it into a binary
list of 32 1/0 values. The most significant bit is
the first element of the list.
# Step 3.
def bin2code(lst):
This function takes in a 32-bit binary list
and returns a unsigned 32-bit integer. Assuming
most significant bit first.
#Step 4.
def rho(lst):
Returns the position of the left-most bit
that is one.
class HyperLogLog(object):
HyperLogLog is an approximate distinct count
data structure.
def __init__(self, b):
Takes in an integer parameter b > 4 and less than 16
self.b = b
self.M = [0]*(2 ** b)
#given to you don't worry about it
def get_alpha(self):
m = 2 ** self.b
if m == 16:
return 0.673
elif m == 32:
return 0.697
elif m == 64:
return 0.709
return 0.7213/(1+ 1.079/m)
#given to you don't worry about it
def count(self):
m = 2 ** self.b
a = self.get_alpha()
reg_sum = 0
for j in range(0,m):
reg_sum += 2 ** (- self.M[j])
E = 2*a*(m**2)/reg_sum
return E
#your code
def update(self, s):
from hyperloglog import HyperLogLog
from core import imdb_years
from collections import Counter
def main_test():
y = HyperLogLog(b = 4)
z = Counter()
for i, w in enumerate(imdb_years()):
z[w] += 1
print("Implemented: {}\nTrue count: {}".format(y.count(), len(z)))
if __name__ == "__main__":
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