Commit b1ecb073 by Sanjay Krishnan

Added homework 3!!

parent 0ff88be0
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The etl module defines basic language primitives for manipulating Pandas
DataFrames. It takes a DataFrame in and outputs a transformed DataFrame.
You will implement several of the routines to perform these transformations.
Example Usage:
You can create DataFrame and create an ETL class that takes the DataFrame
as input.
>> df1 = pd.DataFrame([['Bob', 'Stewart'],
['Anna', 'Davis'],
['Jerry', 'Dole'],
['John', 'Marsh']],
columns=["first_name", "last_name"])
>> etl = ETL(df1)
The add() function creates a new column with a specified value:
>> etl.add(colname="age", 0)
>> pw1.df
first_name last_name age
0 Bob Stewart 0
1 Anna Davis 0
2 Jerry Dole 0
3 John Marsh 0
import pandas as pd
import re
class ETL:
The class that defines ETL transformations for a single dataframe
def __init__(self, df: pd.DataFrame):
ETL objects are constructed with a source
dataframe. These dataframes are manipulated
#how to access the source dataframe
self.df = df
#stores a history of the transformations to the df
self.transforms = []
def add(self, colname, x):
The add(colname, x) function adds a column with the specified name
(colname) and a specified value (x). It adds this value to
all rows of the dataframe. We've implemented this as an
example to show you how to structure your ETL functions.
add *modifies* self.df as well as *returns* it
#Test to see if colname is None, if so use a default colname
self.df[colname] = x
#append your changes to the transform list
return self.df
def drop(self, colname):
The drop(colname) function returns a DataFrame
with the column (colname) removed.
drop *modifies* self.df as well as *returns* it
return self.df
def copy(self, colname, new_colname):
copy(colname, new_colname) duplicates a column and
saves it to the new_colname.
copy *modifies* self.df as well as *returns* it.
return self.df
def split(self, colname, new_colname, splitter):
split(colname, new_colname, splitter) takes a column
splits the value on a delimiter. It replaces colname
with the substrings that appear before the delimiter
and puts the values after the delimiter in the
new_colname. If the string does not contain the delimiter
then new_colname is assigned an empty string.
split *modifies* self.df as well as *returns* it.
return self.df
def merge(self, col1, col2, splitter):
merge(col1, col2, splitter) replaces col1
with the values of col1 and col2 concatenated,
and seperated by the delimiter. The delimiter is
ignored if either df.col1 or df.col2 is an empty
merge *modifies* self.df as well as *returns* it.
return self.df
def format(self, colname, fn):
format applies an input function to every value in colname. fn
is a *function*.
format *modifies* self.df as well as *returns* it.
return self.df
def divide(self, colname, new_colname1, new_colname2, condition):
Divide conditionally divides a column, sending values that
satisfy the condition into one of two columns
(new_colname1 or new_colname2). condition is a Boolean function
of values.
See examples in the writeup.
return self.df
Here, you will write programs that transform dataframes
using the functions that you wrote.
def phone():
Write an ETL program that results in a
dataframe with two columns: area_code, phone_number.
df = pd.DataFrame([['(408)996-758'],
['+1 667 798 0304'],
['+1 442 030 9595']],
etl = ETL(df)
#Your code goes here
return etl.df
def date():
Write an ETL program that results in a
dataframe with three columns: day, month, year.
The day must be in two-digit format i.e, 01, 08.
The month must be the full month name, e.g., "May".
The year must be in YYYY format.
df = pd.DataFrame([['03/2/1990'],
etl = ETL(df)
#Your code goes here
return etl.df
def name():
Write an ETL program that correctly formats names
into first_name and last_name.
df = pd.DataFrame([['Such,Bob', ''],
['Ann', 'Davis'],
['Dole,Jerry', ''],
['Joan', 'Song']],
columns=["first_name", "last_name"])
etl = ETL(df)
#Your code goes here
return etl.df
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