Commit d1a8d64a by Krishnan Sanjay


parent 0b2a2c71
Showing with 1 additions and 1 deletions
# HW3 String Matching
*Due 5/14/20 11:59 PM*
Entity Resolution is the task of disambiguating manifestations of real world entities in various records or mentions by linking and grouping. For example, there could be different ways of addressing the same person in text, different addresses for businesses, or photos of a particular object. In this extra credit assignment, you will link two product catalogs.
Entity Resolution is the task of disambiguating manifestations of real world entities in various records or mentions by linking and grouping. For example, there could be different ways of addressing the same person in text, different addresses for businesses, or photos of a particular object. In this assignment, you will link two product catalogs.
## Getting Started
First, pull the most recent changes from the cmsc13600-public repository:
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