Commit 8462b87a by Stella Chen

Backend email project description

parent 7e7c7e5a
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This project is written in flask on Jupyter Notebook. I also used smtplib, a Python library, to send the email. So in order to use the code, one must install Flask and smtplib.
Additionally, right now I tested the post request through app.test_client(), which creates a fake post request. When there's actually a public domain, the user must create an actual post request, possiblle through postman or cURL.
The email is sent through a test gmail account I created called, the password is classhooktest2#, and the recipient is me in this case since the post request has my email in it. But after the actual post request is sent, the recipient should be the user. There's a slight safety issue when using gmail, where you have turn off the less secure app block.
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