Commit 68501690 by Trevor Austin

Add sample tests

parent 3078d13b
......@@ -19,10 +19,22 @@ def test_static_html(client):
def test_signup_and_login(client):
"""Tests that I can log in with new credentials"""
new_username = "something cool"
new_password = "something weird"
new_username = "something cool2"
new_password = "something weird2"'/api/signup', json = {'username':new_username, 'password':new_password})'/api/signup', json = {'username':new_username, 'password':new_password})
# response = try to log in with new_username and new_password
response ='/api/login', json = {'username': new_username, 'password':new_password})
assert response.status == "200 OK"
def test_wrong_password(client):
"""Tests that I can log in with new credentials"""
new_username = "something cool2"
new_password = "wrong password"
response ='/api/login', json = {'username': new_username, 'password':new_password})
assert response.status == "404 NOT FOUND"
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