Commit c99c24c9 by Trevor Austin

Update final project due dates

parent 1f483bc4
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
20 points
**DUE: Thursday, March 17 by 1:50pm**
**DUE: Wednesday, March 10 by 1:50pm**
### Introduction
......@@ -28,12 +28,12 @@ quarter into a single web application.
The final project is worth 4 times as much as a regular Exercise and 40% of
your grade overall. You have the remainder of the quarter (i.e. until our last
class on March 12) to complete it.
class on March 10) to complete it.
# Introduction to React
You will have noticed in working on Exercise 7 that it can be tedious and
You will have noticed in working on Exercise 6 that it can be tedious and
difficult when writing a single-page application to manage what **state** the
app is supposed to be in what elements should be displayed to the user. You have
to change the navigation bar, update variables, and show/hide page elements all
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