Commit d065c854 by Trevor Austin

Add pepper

parent 65c1fe82
Showing with 4 additions and 3 deletions
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@'secrets.cfg')
DB_NAME = 'passwords'
DB_USERNAME = config['secrets']['DB_USERNAME']
DB_PASSWORD = config['secrets']['DB_PASSWORD']
PEPPER = config['secrets']['PEPPER']
def index():
......@@ -28,8 +29,8 @@ def signup ():
username = body['username']
password = body['password'].encode('utf-8')
hashed = bcrypt.hashpw(password, bcrypt.gensalt())
password = body['password'] + PEPPER
hashed = bcrypt.hashpw(password.encode('utf-8'), bcrypt.gensalt())
connection = mysql.connector.connect(user=DB_USERNAME, database=DB_NAME, password=DB_PASSWORD)
cursor = connection.cursor()
......@@ -70,7 +71,7 @@ def login ():
if bcrypt.checkpw(password.encode('utf-8'), hashed.encode('utf-8')):
if bcrypt.checkpw((password+PEPPER).encode('utf-8'), hashed.encode('utf-8')):
return {}
return {}, 404
except Exception as e:
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