Commit e26295c1 by Trevor Austin

Don't require separate invitation endpoint

parent a08727e8
Showing with 0 additions and 5 deletions
......@@ -45,11 +45,6 @@ Watch Party group chats. It should support the following methods:
`chat_id`and a `session_token` to allow the original creator to identify
themselves in subsequent requests. All session tokens should expire within 6
- `POST /<chat_id>/invite`: Take `chat_id` as a URL param and require that
chat's creator's `session_token` in an authorization header. Generate a
"magic link" that, when visited, loads the Watch Party web application,
prompts the new user for a username and authenticates them by giving them a
`session_token`, and displays the chat's page.
- `GET /<chat_id>`: Require a valid `session_token` in an authorization header.
Return the messages in the chat. Optionally take a parameter that allows it to
return only new messages.
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