Commit e9431c54 by Stuart Kurtz

Day 14

parent e9446394
PH -> V
OK -> S
KK -> O
BV -> K
CV -> S
SV -> C
CK -> O
PC -> F
SC -> O
KC -> S
KF -> N
SN -> C
SF -> P
OS -> O
OP -> N
FS -> P
FV -> N
CP -> S
VS -> P
PB -> P
HP -> P
PK -> S
FC -> F
SB -> K
NC -> V
PP -> B
PN -> N
VN -> C
NV -> O
OV -> O
BS -> K
FP -> V
NK -> K
PO -> B
HF -> H
VK -> S
ON -> C
KH -> F
HO -> P
OO -> H
BC -> V
CS -> O
OC -> B
VB -> N
OF -> P
FK -> H
OH -> H
CF -> K
CC -> V
BK -> O
BH -> F
VV -> N
KS -> V
FO -> F
SH -> F
OB -> O
VH -> F
HH -> P
PF -> C
NF -> V
VP -> S
CN -> V
SK -> O
FB -> S
FN -> S
BF -> H
FF -> V
CB -> P
NN -> O
VC -> F
HK -> F
BO -> H
KO -> C
CH -> N
KP -> C
HS -> P
NP -> O
NS -> V
NB -> H
HN -> O
BP -> C
VF -> S
KN -> P
HC -> C
PS -> K
BB -> O
NO -> N
NH -> F
BN -> F
KV -> V
SS -> K
CO -> H
KB -> P
FH -> C
SP -> C
SO -> V
PV -> S
VO -> O
HV -> N
HB -> V
\ No newline at end of file
module Main where
import Control.Monad ( void )
import Data.Char ( isUpper )
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Map (Map)
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
( many, munch1, readP_to_S, satisfy, skipSpaces, string, ReadP )
parsePolymer :: ReadP String
parsePolymer = munch1 isUpper
parseRule :: ReadP (Char,Char,Char)
parseRule = do
ch1 <- satisfy isUpper
ch2 <- satisfy isUpper
void $ string " -> "
ch3 <- satisfy isUpper
pure (ch1,ch2,ch3)
data PolymerProgram = PolymerProgram
{ start :: [Char]
, rules :: Map (Char,Char) String
parsePolymerProgram :: ReadP PolymerProgram
parsePolymerProgram = do
polymer <- parsePolymer
primRules <- many (parseRule)
pure $ PolymerProgram polymer (M.fromList . map (\(a,b,c) -> ((a,b),[a,c])) $ primRules)
instance Read PolymerProgram where
readsPrec _ = readP_to_S parsePolymerProgram
step :: Map (Char,Char) String -> String -> String
step _ [] = []
step _ [a] = [a]
step rs (a:b:c) = handlePair (a,b) ++ step rs (b:c) where
handlePair cp = M.findWithDefault [a] cp rs
frequencies :: String -> Map Char Int
frequencies = M.unionsWith (+) . map (\c -> M.singleton c 1)
score :: Map a Int -> Int
score m = maximum vs - minimum vs where
vs = M.elems m
main :: IO ()
main = pure ()
main = do
prog <- read @PolymerProgram <$> readFile "data/polymer.txt"
print . score . frequencies . (!! 10). iterate (step (rules prog)) . start $ prog
module Main where
import Control.Monad ( void )
import Data.Char ( isUpper )
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Map (Map)
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
( many, munch1, readP_to_S, satisfy, skipSpaces, string, ReadP )
parsePolymer :: ReadP String
parsePolymer = munch1 isUpper
parseRule :: ReadP (Char,Char,Char)
parseRule = do
ch1 <- satisfy isUpper
ch2 <- satisfy isUpper
void $ string " -> "
ch3 <- satisfy isUpper
pure (ch1,ch2,ch3)
type RuleMap = Map (Char,Char) [(Char,Char)]
type CountMap a = Map a Integer
data PolymerProgram = PolymerProgram
{ start :: [Char]
, rules :: Map (Char,Char) [(Char,Char)]
parsePolymerProgram :: ReadP PolymerProgram
parsePolymerProgram = do
polymer <- parsePolymer
primRules <- many (parseRule)
pure $ PolymerProgram polymer (M.fromList . map (\(a,b,c) -> ((a,b),[(a,c),(c,b)])) $ primRules)
instance Read PolymerProgram where
readsPrec _ = readP_to_S parsePolymerProgram
step :: RuleMap -> CountMap (Char,Char) -> CountMap (Char,Char)
step rm cm = M.unionsWith (+) . concatMap f . M.assocs $ cm where
f (p,n) = do
p' <- M.findWithDefault [p] p rm
pure $ M.singleton p' n
pairs :: [a] -> [(a,a)]
pairs [] = []
pairs [_] = []
pairs (a:b:cs) = (a,b) : pairs (b:cs)
initialCounts :: String -> CountMap (Char,Char)
initialCounts s = M.unionsWith (+) $ do
p' <- pairs s
pure $ M.singleton p' 1
frequencies :: String -> Map Char Int
frequencies = M.unionsWith (+) . map (\c -> M.singleton c 1)
charCounts :: CountMap (Char,Char) -> CountMap Char
charCounts cm = fmap (\x -> (x+1) `div` 2) . M.unionsWith (+) $ do
((c,d),n) <- M.assocs cm
pure $ M.unionWith (+) (M.singleton c n) (M.singleton d n)
score :: CountMap Char -> Integer
score m = maximum vs - minimum vs where
vs = M.elems m
main :: IO ()
main = pure ()
main = do
prog <- read @PolymerProgram <$> readFile "data/polymer.txt"
print . score . charCounts . (!! 40) . iterate (step (rules prog)) . initialCounts . start $ prog
CH -> B
HH -> N
CB -> H
NH -> C
HB -> C
HC -> B
HN -> C
NN -> C
BH -> H
NC -> B
NB -> B
BN -> B
BB -> N
BC -> B
CC -> N
CN -> C
\ No newline at end of file
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